Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Five Signs Its Time to Look for a New Job - Hallie Crawford

Five Signs Its Time to Look for a New Job When working with my  career coaching  clients about how to know when its time to look for a new job, I always tell them that whatever they do they should not remain miserable. We all have our ups and downs at work. Some weeks were super-productive. Other weeks, not so much. But how do you know when its time to really make a move updating your portfolio and beginning the official  career search? Here are five signs that should point you in the right direction. You dread getting out of bed in the morning. Do you repeatedly hit the snooze button? Do you have an overwhelming desire to remain buried under the covers, far from demands, deadlines and clamoring coworkers? One of the biggest red flags of job dissatisfaction is an unwillingness to face the day not just some mornings, but every morning. Whats  your  body trying to tell you? Your work relationships and performance are beginning to suffer. Remember when group projects were productive, water-cooler chat was a pleasant repose and happy hour truly was happy? If lately you find yourself avoiding certain people and tasks, slacking on your reviews or really dreading the annual company picnic, chances are youve lost that loving feeling for your job. You become someone else at work. If you feel like you cant be yourself at work and have become a pretender, dont shrug it off and dont blame yourself. Every companys culture is different. Yours may not be aligned with who you are as a person. Know there are professional people out there who embrace the same goals and values as you do. Maybe its time to seek them out. The position doesnt make use of your talents. Perhaps  youre an advertising executive who always wanted to be a chef. Perhaps your job title is coordinator, but you feel more like the creative type. Its never too late to look in a new direction in terms of your career and future happiness. You spend most of your time engaged in bitch sessions. Sure, we all love to commiserate over frustrating aspects of our jobs. But if most of your hours at work are spent feeding negative thoughts and generally complaining, thats a huge sign it may be time to pack it in. Find a  new career  in an environment that feels more rewarding and in line with your talents. You can do it If youve done all you can to improve things, but your job still makes you miserable, do something about it. Take a few steps forward each week. Stay after work and compile your portfolio. Get that resume updated. Search the career websites to see whats out there. Take a few personality tests to help you identify your strengths. When we feel unhappy or unsatisfied about things, its safe to say its time to find something out there thats better suited to us. Where do you want to go next? All the best for a rewarding and fulfilling career doing what you love! HallieCrawford.com was founded by certified career coach, speaker and author . Since 2002, the company’s team of certified career coaches have helped thousands of job seekers worldwide identify their ideal career path, navigate their career transition and achieve their career goals. Schedule a free consult with https://halliecrawford.com today to learn more about our services.

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